What Makes You Old?

Aging..what is it? What are some of the factors that can affect our aging experience?

Here are 5 Reasons getting in the way of our Youngering

  • Lack of Awareness

Aging can just kind of sneak up on us. The little niggles we learn to live with. The limited mobility or lack of energy. We just kind of adjust to it. It builds up and before you know it, you are feeling old!

Awareness is noticing when things shift. Being mindful of your body and the changes as they arise. Noticing changes and addressing niggles and patterns before they set in.

  • Lack of Belief in Change

Some people know about these factors, however, they either don’t believe they will have an effect or they don’t believe they are capable of applying them. Or, they may believe it is inevitable. That it is part of normal aging. They may have family members that had certain conditions, and they believe that it is in their DNA to expect that outcome.

  • Lack of Motivation

Sometimes people are just comfortable where they are. Or they don’t want to take action to change. Maybe the way they live and the choices they are making are serving them in some way. They prefer their current lifestyle instead of a long-term outcome. Or they don’t feel inspired enough to change.

  • Lack of Knowledge

Like awareness, knowledge is key. It is so helpful to understand the body, to understand on a deeper level what is preventing the shift. Knowing ‘why’ we would want to make a change and ‘what’ the change does and ‘how’ we make the shift, is a major inspiration.

  • Lack of Guidance

Sometimes people just don’t know where to start. Even if they have awareness, maybe even knowledge, however, what is the best course of action for their particular situation? What would have the most impact on them?

Having someone who has done the background work, understands the tools, and techniques, and can tangibly translate them is a game changer. Making sure that your efforts are beneficial. Knowing the what, how, and why is key.

Click here to find out what your youngering score is with your scorecard.

If you want some guidance on where to start, why not book a no-obligation chat here?


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