
As a prospective client, It is helpful to learn more about Wendy V by hearing what others have to say.

Were grateful to be able to post testimonials from some of my clients, and below you will find some of those stories.

Kate Hawkesby

Radio Announcer and Television Presenter

It’s a pleasure to write in support of the work of Wendy Vermeulen. I can break my life into two chapters - pre-Wendy and post-Wendy! If you want clarity, direction, motivation and wise counsel, Wendy is your woman. I initially began private sessions with Wendy for some basic yoga practice ?? years ago (Can’t remember can you?!). I quickly found myself down the rabbit hole of quantum physics, energy fields, biohacking and a deepening practice including meditation and breathwork. All of these tools she taught with patience and wisdom - generously offering up her knowledge for as little or as much as was desired. The depth of her knowledge and experience stands alone in a crowded field of wellness “experts”, Wendy is steeped in real-life knowledge and she walks the talk and has lived and breathed it literally - for more than 20? years. Her breadth of experience in retreats trips to India living the lifestyle, and her constant upskilling and education via seminars in the US, has only served to expand her knowledge base. Wendy brings something new and interesting literally to every session and I appreciate that I never know what I might learn or come away with. Put it this way - you’ll never get bored! Wendy makes each session fun as she mixes it up - usually in response to what your body or mind needs on any given day. Some days we do more restorative breath and meditation work, other days we do dynamic yoga & Pilates with core or strength training, and some days we do stretch work or yoga nidra. Wendy is intuitive and responsive to each client which makes the personalized experience so priceless. Another thing I love about Wendy is her dynamic energy and relentless curiosity for her craft. Always seeking, always learning and always happy to share. I have found since working with Wendy that my body and mind naturally has the tools I need to combat stress and tiredness. My body shape, strength and posture has been enhanced with her guidance. And her exploration into the field of biohacking has opened my eyes to interesting and sustainable ethical Organic products and cutting edge technologies. Wendy truly is a one-stop-shop - so much more than a personal trainer. Her holistic approach means she’s also a life coach, teacher, motivator, trainer, and wise counsel. I can’t recommend her enough - any time you can spend with Wendy will be time well spent and you won’t regret it. It’s an investment in your health, wellbeing and longevity.

Anna Veale

She seeks out knowledge and passes it on to her clients in such a powerful and transformative way that life as you see it will never quite be the same after a session with her.

Her knowledge of the human body and mind is second to none and she demonstrates this in her ability to literally change how her clients feel, move and Breath. She makes every client feel like they are the only person in the room, a skill that isn’t easy to learn!

I met Wendy by chance on a cour. With her genuine caring attitude, passion, and desire to see her clients succeed; I have increased my confidence, adopted a morning routine, and took myself out of my comfort zone and am now living a more fulfilled life.

Whether you are seeking a group yoga class or looking for a 1-1 approach Wendy will see that you achieve your goals and set you on a path to reach your dreams.

Bruce MacDonald

Wendy's knowledge, wisdom and empathy shine bright in her capabilities of effortless guidance through the complex maze of life.

Wendy has been able to meet me at extreme depths and see me eye to eye where very few I believe would ever be able to when it comes to deconstructing the complexities of the mind, the body and the soul.

Helping me navigate my way through some of the darkest hours in my life and leaving me with the most invaluable tools one could ever have in life, I could not be more grateful to have Wendy as a teacher in this life and, more importantly, a friend will forever remember.

If you are flirting with the aspect of becoming a stronger minded, happier, healthier more peaceful person and being able to live a life where thoughts don't control your emotions, then Wendy and her practice are exactly what you are seeking.

Lisa Heron

I don’t know where to start so I’ll begin with my hip replacement in March 2021. I worked with Wendy pre and post surgery. I had my other hip replaced 7 years prior. I didn’t know Wendy then but my recovery was so much quicker and seamless with the guidance of Wendy’s yoga sessions this time. It’s like she can tune into my body and know exactly what it can or can’t do. Wendy’s extensive knowledge of the WHOLE body and mind is critical for recovery.

In July 2021 I got diagnosed with a blood cancer CLL. This is a ‘good’ cancer as you don’t necessarily die of but die with. Unfortunately something triggered this cancer to swell my lymph nodes. Doesn’t happen to everyone. Only the special!!!!! The only way to get rid of the swollen lymph nodes is chemotherapy treatment. So with all the affairs in order I started in February 2022.

The chemo was working incredibly well but unfortunately I was hospitalized 3 times at the beginning picking up bugs - not COVID thankfully. No immunity is pretty scary and my body was in a bad state.

Wendy was right by my side the whole time. I think I missed about 6 weeks in total to this day. We zoom every Monday morning 9.30. There were days when I had no energy and felt dreadful. Wendy would do relaxing, soothing stretches with focus on internal awareness and breathing. Like I said before, it’s like she has X- ray vision and knows just what is required. Her positivity and knowledge helped me make sense of it all. I have some recordings of Wendy’s Nidra meditations which I used often when I got overwhelmed.

It has been 7 weeks since my very last chemo treatment. I’m starting to feel more like myself. Wendy has built me up slowly and I was so proud this Monday gone - I did my first warrior pose since February.

I can’t thank Wendy enough for her experience and coaching. I have and will continue to appreciate and enjoy my 9.30am Monday sessions.


Where would I be without this incredible, kind & giving woman who helped guide me in the darkest & most challenging times of my life.

Her advice & guidance saved my life & I wouldn’t be here today & living my best life if it hadn’t been for Wendy.

Some days she just listened & made me feel it was ok to cry & communicate everything that was going on in my head, some days I just needed a kind word & compassion.

Wendy is a very wise, smart,compassionate, empathetic & caring person who generally loves to help others & I can guarantee that the world is a better place with people like her is in it.