Breaking the habit of being yourself. Change those patterns.

Have you ever tried to make changes in your life, for example, change your eating habits, get into a fitness routine or wanted to feel different, overcome habits? And did you find that you started out all motivated, inspired and determined to make a change, then found after a few weeks you slowly slipped back into the old familiar patterns?

It’s not just a matter of willpower. Or whether you truly want to change or not. It’s about how you are wired. What’s literally going on in your brain. The synapses in your brain are wired to be this version of you. Through beliefs and patterns of behaviour, we continuously remind ourselves of who we are. We form habits and rituals that create a comfort zone. Your favourite cup to drink out of, the same seat you sit in, the same place in the yoga class! And how must discomfort do we experience if those routines are disrupted?
Daily routines and rituals are vital for structure and discipline to achieve certain goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle. But when we go into automatic pilot our subconscious beliefs and projections can start to influence our perspective. When we go unconscious and live on autopilot, we are also much more susceptible to influence.

Dr Joe Dispenza book titled;

Breaking the habit of being yourself

A favourite book of mine with such a great title! Below are some of the tips Dr Joe Dispenza suggests for disconnecting some of the hard wiring in your brain and be open to true change.

1 Take Time Out

Shut things off. Phone, TV, computer. Change your pattern of influence.

2 Breathe & Centre

Bring yourself back to the present moment regularly. All creation, everything we are becoming is implemented in the now.

3 Create Your Future Self

Can you be defined by a vision of the future? Visualise and feel who you want to be. Be that version of you now.

4 Rehearse Who You Will Be

The new you. Feel, think and be like that version of you.

5 Let Go Of The Past Self

You can’t take the old limiting beliefs with you. What emotion no longer belongs in your future?

Change it up, go home a different way from work, shift things around your house, wear different clothes than your ‘usual’ self. Brush your teeth with the other hand! Create an environment that will allow some room to be surprised by life!

By mixing it up, we are constantly using different neural pathways. Allowing an opportunity to be more expanded. To use more aspects of our brain. Creating space to change, to let go of hard-wired patterns and to be the ‘you’ you desire to be.


Adaptability and Resilience