Adaptability and Resilience

“The key to whatever arises in life is adaptability and resilience.”

For me personally 2020, and the year Covid shook our global society, created a powerful opportunity to pause and reassess. To get clear on what inspires and drives me and what direction in life I truly want to move forward in. It also showed me the extensive ‘tool kit’ I had developed over many years and how powerful this has come to be, particularly in times of uncertainty.

Like many industries, navigating a business in the wellness space in 2020 offered its challenges but also an opportunity for change. While uncertain and at times frightening to many of us, the pandemic brought communities closer together in new and unique ways. It also created change in our schedules and how we viewed and valued our time. While some are getting back to their full former routines, others have made a schedule change for good – be it flexible working hours, regular work from home days or prioritising after hours as strict personal time with work emails switched off. It has also seen more flexibility in studio time, with clients opting for a mix of in-person and online sessions and a more solid, committed practice. As a wellness practitioner and studio provider, it has been vital to adapt quickly to cater to our communities – be it opening sessions to Zoom and online offerings, holding space for more workshops and retreats or shifting from more traditional fitness-focused one on one sessions to deeper coaching sessions (which has come to be a natural shift of offerings for me).

Resilience in these times is so important, the ability to mentally, emotionally and physically handle a stressful or frightening situation and remain calm. For most of us, it requires turning inwards, with mental and physical processes to protect, maintain and strengthen ourselves in times of negative stressors. While some may be more naturally resilient than others, we all have our pain points and strengths and can learn to adapt and develop new skills, developing our ‘tool kit.’ Through yoga and aligning modalities we can learn to stay more balanced, focused and grounded.

Regular yoga sessions are a great option to help bring balance to your life. While coaching sessions allow you to go deeper. In one on one or small group sessions, I can utilise my full repertoire of skills in the varied needs of clients, aiding them to better adapt to new and challenging situations. Life coaching, rehab, yoga therapy, fitness, youngering, mindset support and more. I can tailor each session to what is needed on the day, working to the requirements of each client. I love the fact that I can truly be of service in these sessions, empowering others to be resilient, grounded and focused through our ever-changing world.




Breaking the habit of being yourself. Change those patterns.