Live your life ‘On Purpose’

“Our calling is where our deepest gladness and the world’s hunger meet.” – Frederick Buechner

I love this sentence. What is your purpose? What do you feel you are here to contribute? How do you know? Where do you look to find out? I feel this sentence speaks to that passion, that desire, ‘that’ that is within you and won’t sleep. What guides you to books, conversations, interests, people that stimulate something in you. Turns you on! ‘That’, that is what your purpose is. And that is what the world is hungry for.

A purpose doesn’t have to ‘look’ like anything in particular. It doesn’t have to mean you are doing great things on a global scale or sacrificing yourself for the good of others. Of course, if that is what your deeper desire and hunger leads to then maybe it is your purpose, but you, what you bring, how you see things, your take on anything, that is unique. That is what we, the world, the universe, all that is, want from you. Your unique contribution of thoughts and expressions. It all adds to the ‘soup’ that is humanity.

When you live ‘on purpose’ you are engaged, you are filled with passion, you radiate. ‘That’ is your contribution. You add to the field. Frequencies of passion, joy, and gratitude. You feel excited to be alive. You are YOU, completely. Haven’t you been around people who are living on purpose? Don’t you just feel it? We can all be contributors in this way. Shifting the global energies.

As Joseph Campbell said, “follow your bliss”.


Staying on the Point


Commitment. Dedication, Staying Power. Sticking With Things. Consistency.